First time vExpert :)

Many friends and colleagues kept asking me, why I’ve never applied to the vExpert Program. And to be honest: I didn’t have an answer to that, really.
So, somewhen in December 2019 I’ve sat down, thought about my contributions to the community and figured: well, why not apply?
Yes, I am way behind of my blogging (this “work” thing sometimes keeps getting into the way for some reason), but I am active on the VMTN, on Twitter, on several slack channels – and am also presenting the VMware Story, VMware Cloud on AWS especially, to a wider audience.
And I’d like to believe this was the “kicker” to get me into the Program, as in my Profile I am very happy to see the “Presenter” Badge.
I am very humbled to be elected and to be part of this bunch of awesome People.

Stay tuned to what’s coming in the future 🙂

Into the Cloud, and beyond! The future, is golden 😀

Cheers & thanks for having me,

vExpert Badge - stars

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